The Great Outdoors

On: March 22, 2021
Exercise, family, health, wellness

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No matter the season, getting outdoors and enjoying yourself and your family can be an amazing bonding experience. Even if it is snowing or raining, there can be so much out there for you to do. Being able to get outside can be a great way to make memories as a father or a husband and create moments for your children and family. 

On top of making everlasting memories, getting outdoors can also be beneficial to your physical and mental well-being. It doesn’t all have to be the simplistic walks or catching a ball outside. There is so much more that can be huge for you.

A Backyard Adventure

This one can be as simple as taking the kids’ lunches and bringing them outside with a blanket and some napkins. A change of scenery can be extremely refreshing no matter what age, and can even make the day a bit more productive afterward.

This can also adapt into a backyard camping session. If you don’t want to drive all the way into the woods and be fearful of wildlife or being interrupted by others, a backyard camping trip could be perfect. It gives you a chance to learn about wildlife and nature, and also be able to spook them with scary stories when the sunsets. 


This is a relatively new and kind of different way to take advantage of the great outdoors. This activity includes using your phone and traveling around your hometown, or walking trails, and finding neat hidden treasures around. This game is played with millions around the world and it can be as simple as walking down to your street sign. 

Utilize the Seasons!

We may like to think that the ideal time to go spend outside is the spring or summer, however that leaves out so many months of the year. In the winter months, it is possible to get over a foot of snow. This allows you to go skiing, snowboarding, ice fishing, and so much more! 

In fall, use all the leaves that are on the ground. Spend some time working outside on your house and yard. Rake leaves into pires to get a clear yard that will be safe to walk on.  Or enjoy the cooler weather and take a hike with family and friends to see the bright and colorful leaves.

When it comes to a man’s health, just stepping outside for twenty minutes can be life-changing. Just twenty minutes can raise testosterone levels over 100% percent. That, on top of making memories with the family, is priceless. 

Each season of the year brings its difficulties, but it can also bring memories that we won’t forget with our fathers. Bringing your family outdoors for simple games or searching your neighborhood can help bring a healthy lifestyle to any father’s mental and physical well-being.


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