How TRT Can Help with the Winter Blues

On: November 3, 2020
testosterone levels, Testosterone Range

Fall is ending and winter is nigh. During this time of year, many people, from all walks of life are faced with what is known as seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This condition often tagged with the moniker “winter blues” is actually a form of depression that occurs every year around the same time, around when the seasons change.

The symptoms of seasonal depression are similar to those of regular depression and can include mood changes, anxiety, lethargy, overeating, irritability, low self-esteem and a sudden disinterest in activities. There are a number of different causes of this type of depression, and one of the main reasons is that reduced exposure to sunlight can actually impact serotonin—a neurotransmitter that impacts mood.

Treatments for seasonal affective disorder have been difficult to come by, but many studies are now suggesting testosterone may be an effective way to help those suffering from SAD to get the help that they need. Depression has been strongly linked to low testosterone levels, and there are many studies suggesting that testosterone and low serotonin levels may also be linked.

Low-T and depression also have several of the same symptoms, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Low sex drive
  • Memory loss
  • Sleep issues
  • Irritability
  • Difficulties concentrating

So, if you are experiencing some of these side effects and worry that you may be dealing with winter depression, a great first place to start is with a hormone test. Determining the levels of testosterone, or T in your system can help you determine if your symptoms this time of year are hormone related or not.

Low-T is actually quite common, but it is easier to remedy than most people assume. At Mantality Health, we offer Low-T treatments for men with depression-like symptoms. The process is quick and simple as we run standard lab tests along with specific tests to assess the levels of testosterone, free testosterone, and estrogen in the body.

If you do have Low-T levels, we will discuss treatment options, so you can determine whether injections, creams, patches or pellets work best for you and your schedule. Follow up appointments are quick and easy and most importantly, you can start seeing the benefits that come with maintaining proper testosterone levels.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Make an appointment with Mantality Health today. With testosterone replacement therapy, you can get the help that you need without numerous medications and dangerous side effects. Call our clinic today to make an appointment and get ahead of the winter blues before it gets ahead of you.

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