Do You Feel Your Doctor Is Ignoring Your Symptoms?

On: February 12, 2016
low testosterone, testosterone levels

Let’s admit one thing: it’s tough for us as guys to go to a doctor. For a lot of us, taking time off work to get our annual physical is tough enough, let alone making time for a prostate exam or colonoscopy (yikes). What may be the biggest issue is that we’re guys – we don’t like asking for help, which is what going to a doctor feels like. (Telegraph)

When we’re feeling like our health is falling apart is usually when we need a doctor’s help the most. Low testosterone can carry a variety of serious symptoms, such as:

  • Lack of energy or motivation
  • Loss of muscle strength or mass
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

The dangerous truth is that some symptoms that can be signs of low testosterone may instead be signs of a more serious health condition, like cancer or diabetes. When doctors dismiss symptoms as “just a part of getting old,” they can miss serious warning signs that could be life-threatening.

Getting in front of a doctor who won’t dismiss your symptoms may save your life. Our Mantality physicians are board-certified and committed to look for serious, as well as simple, conditions. We will never dismiss your symptoms or concerns. We will get to the bottom of why you’re feeling the way you do and how your body is reacting. We will find the root cause of any issue, no matter how long it takes. We will work with your primary care physician and take the lead on addressing any conditions we may find.

If your doctor dismissed your symptoms, you need to schedule your next appointment today with our Mantality team. Don’t wait and don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Talking with our staff  today can help save your life tomorrow.

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