A Man Looking in a Mirror Examining his Baldness

Why Do Men Go Bald: The Truth About Testosterone and Hair Loss

On: December 25, 2019
Hair Loss, Testosterone

By the age of 35, 66% of men will experience hair loss. 

Why do men go bald? There are several risk factors that influence this.

Many of these factors come down to genetics and health habits. For a lot of men, and even some women, the reality is that hair loss will be a possibility as you continue to age.

Common wisdom points to the levels of testosterone in men. When discussing why men go bald, it is important to understand how the various risk factors work.

In this article, we’ll discuss the leading causes behind baldness and your options for treating it. Read on to learn more about the link between testosterone and baldness in men.

Why Do Men Go Bald Answered

Male pattern baldness affects some 50 million men, and 50% of all men over the age of 50. It’s a staggering statistic, but shows that you’re not alone. Odds are you know a friend or family member also struggling with baldness.

Male pattern baldness typically starts around the temples and the crown of the head. As we age, the prevalence of pattern baldness increases for both men and women. It is the leading cause of hair loss in men and can start as early as in your 20s.

What happens to cause hair loss is that over time the hair thins. The follicle where the hair grows from begins to grow narrower and narrower.

This gradual narrowing causes the hair that grows back to become thinner and finer. Eventually, the follicle will go dormant and no new hair will grow at all.

For most men, this condition is because of genetics.

While certain behaviors and health issues can cause the acceleration of male pattern baldness, in most cases it is hereditary. As of yet, there is no natural remedy to prevent hereditary baldness.

Whether or not you develop male pattern baldness during your life will mostly come down to your genes.

The Role of Testosterone in Balding

Most people think of testosterone as the basic male sex hormone. In reality, testosterone has a complex relationship with the body. Testosterone plays a larger part in the thickness of body hair than it does in male baldness.

Having a lower than normal amount of testosterone can lead to hair thinning. This is most often seen in the beard. If your beard begins to thin you may be experiencing a lack of testosterone production.

For the hair on top of your head, however, recent studies dispute common wisdom. In fact, a study of males in Germany found no association between testosterone levels and male pattern baldness. While this study did not speak to every cause of baldness, it did address the most common form.

Can Low Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?

The reality of how testosterone impacts baldness may surprise some people.

You are far more likely to experience a loss of body hair and facial hair from low testosterone. Low testosterone can impact hair loss far more than having too much testosterone can.

Having low testosterone makes far more difference than just hair loss.

While this is not the leading cause of hair loss in men by any means, it is a contributing factor. The effect of aging on testosterone levels show some correlation to hair loss as you age. With this in mind, you may be experiencing a testosterone deficiency.

If you are concerned that you have low testosterone, look for symptoms other than hair loss.

These can include erectile dysfunction, and trouble performing sexually. Lacking testosterone can also cause a loss of muscle mass and mood swings. If you feel that you are experiencing these symptoms, you can be treated by replacement testosterone.

Treating your low testosterone will actually improve the condition of your body and facial hair. Normal, well-regulated levels of testosterone make losing weight easier. It also helps facial hair grow in thicker and have a healthy luster.

If your testosterone levels are maintained at a healthy level, you will recover. Baldness does not have to be a permanent condition.

Replacement therapies are one way that you can address the issue. There are other things, including lifestyle changes that can help as well.

Overall, the role of testosterone in baldness is a continuing area of research.

Common knowledge and myths will not help you address real issues. Treatment for lower testosterone often involves TRT, or testosterone replacement therapy.

The Role of Genetics in Why Men Go Bald

For most of us testosterone, whether low or high, is not the cause of our hair loss. The most common culprit of why men go bald is in their genetics. The genetics of hair loss is a complex topic.

Genetics are believed to be the number one reason why male pattern baldness occurs. It is, without any doubt, the number one reason for hair loss in men.

The reality is that one element of our bodies we can not change is our genetics. Inherited from our parents, our genetics determine virtually everything about how our bodies work. Why men go bald is no different than most genetic conditions.

Men who have more immediate family members that are bald have a higher chance of going bald. Interestingly, baldness is, in general, more prevalent amongst white and African American men. Men of Asian descent typically suffer far less from balding than those of other racial groups.

One main cause of genetic male pattern baldness has been confirmed to be the androgen receptor gene. This is because hair follicles are stimulated by androgen and anything which interferes with this operation can cause hair loss.

Other Causes of Why Men Go Bald

There are many reasons why men go bald that are not related to genetic male pattern baldness. These are often more treatable, and sometimes require the assistance of a doctor.

You may feel like a recent change in medication or treatment for an illness has caused additional balding. If this is the case, then you should speak to your physician.

There are several medications that have the side effect of causing baldness. Sometimes your physician might recommend you go on an additional medication to counteract the balding side effect. This is more true if, for health reasons, you cannot switch from the medication causing the side effect.

Nutritional imbalances can also lead to hair loss.

An excess amount of vitamin A can lead to balding patterns. This is usually because of medication, but can also be due to diet. A well-balanced diet can help ward off many of the risk factors for developing baldness.

A lack of iron can also cause baldness. For some, this can be due to anemia, which is a medical condition that should be treated.

In addition to medical conditions, keep in mind that stress is a real problem.

Increasing levels of stress can lead to several maladies, but also contributes to balding. The stress in our life affects nearly every level of our wellbeing. It can contribute to hormonal causes of hair loss.

Not All of the Causes Are Completely Understood

While many reasons for baldness have been identified, the topic is far from completely researched. The body is a complex mechanism and the interplay between hormones, such as testosterone and genetic markers, is not fully understood.

Strides have been made in isolating basic causes of baldness, but new studies continually find additional causes. It is entirely possible that in the future there will, at last, be a cure for every type of baldness.

Until then, therapies and treatments are constantly being developed to tackle the issue.

From hair replacement therapies and implants to hormone treatments, there are promising results. If you are experiencing hair loss and want to stop it, seek help. These treatments are not guaranteed solutions, but for many men, they slow the progression of hair loss and even reverse it in some cases.

The important thing to remember is that you aren’t powerless in addressing your condition.

The Role of Age in Male Baldness

While the causes of hair loss continue to be studied, not all hair loss is the same. If you are experiencing a receding hairline, there is no reason for immediate concern. Many men have receding hairlines that do not necessarily mean they will go bald.

One thing that is understood about hair loss is that a lot of it comes down to age.

While some men begin hair loss at a young age, it is a much larger issue later in life for most. Hair loss is something that almost all men will have to confront as they reach into their golden years.

Making sure you pay special attention to your body and its condition can help. Healthy eating and living habits can slow the progression of hair loss. While you won’t be able to stop hair loss, it is possible to manage it.

It is often said that age is the enemy of all men. That is true for a variety of reasons, and especially true of hair loss. All men begin to lose testosterone as they age.

This can help contribute to age-related baldness.

The Stigma of Hair Loss

Because there is a lot of misinformation and misunderstandings about hair loss, it can have a negative impact on those experiencing it. If you are a male who is experiencing hair loss, you may think that you have too much or too little testosterone. If this is truly the cause, then don’t worry. You can seek treatment.

Whatever the cause of your hair loss, understand that it is something that affects almost all men as they age.

You are not the only one going through this and there are resources to help you. The male baldness industry is constantly finding new treatments for hair loss and new therapies.

Medical studies aimed at understanding the issue continue across the world. There is no reason to think that you are somehow malfunctioning. Your body has inherited many traits from both sides of your family, and some of these you can do nothing about.

For many men, hair loss results in a loss of confidence. This can be down to simple vanity, or because it’s something happening to your body that is outside of your control.

Being at the mercy of nature and genetics is not something any of us think about when we are younger.

Revitalize Yourself

As men, we often want to look and feel our best. Unfortunately, baldness is a common condition. It can wreak havoc on your self-esteem and leave you feeling secluded.

There are many natural ways to address the underlying causes, but even with all of that, you may still experience hair loss.

As we have discussed, in most cases there is nothing you can do to prevent hair loss. Don’t be afraid to ask professionals about it.

Keeping up to date with the latest on men’s health is important. Seeking out this information has never been easier thanks to the internet.

If subjects about men’s health and baldness are important to you, then take a look at the incredible number of articles available about the subject. If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone and those are contributing to your baldness, explore testosterone replacement therapy.

For those who are suffering from non-genetic male pattern baldness, this offers an exciting way to treat your condition. Replacement therapies are growing in popularity and Mantality Health has several clinics with expert consultations.

Understanding the root cause of why men go bald and what you can do it about it often comes down to speaking honestly. We hope this article helps to answer the question of “why do men go bald” for you.

If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Mantality Health. We have trained professionals on-site to answer all your questions. Or, make use of our many informative articles to continue doing your own research.

Contact us today to explore your options.

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