VA Study Debunks Concerns About Testosterone Treatments

On: December 14, 2015
Testosterone Therapy, trt

A September 2015 study by Veteran Affairs reveals that men with hypogonadism (clinically low testosterone levels) experience a reduced risk of cardiovascular and stroke-related health incidents when their testosterone production is restored to healthy levels. (EurekAlert) The VA database study featured 83,010 participants age 50 or older who were examined at VA facilities from 1999 to 2014.

Study researchers categorized the participants into three divisions with propensity matches (similar health profiles) between groups to ensure near-identical study comparisons:

  • Group 1: Received testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatments that fully restored testosterone production to normal levels. Group 1 participants who benefited from full testosterone restoration were 24 percent less likely to suffer a cardiovascular health incident, such as a heart attack, and 36 percent less likely to experience a stroke.
  • Group 2: Received TRT treatments that stopped below normal testosterone levels.
  • Group 3: Did not receive any TRT treatments. Group 3 participants were found to be 54 percent more likely to suffer an all-cause mortality health incident. The differences between Groups 2 and 3 were minimal with Group 2 participants having slightly less risk of all-cause mortality health incidents compared to Group 3 participants who didn’t receive any TRT treatment.

The VA study results come on the heels of FDA-based consumer warnings regarding the safety and efficacy of testosterone products. Ongoing research studies continue to disprove unfounded concerns of increased health risks due to testosterone product usage. As with all our research and treatment processes, Mantality is committed to providing only safe and proven testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) solutions.

Our Mantality staff created a FREE eBook available here for immediate download to help you learn more about the many benefits of TRT. Download your FREE eBook right now and schedule your next appointment today with our Mantality team.

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