Trials with Testes: 7 Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

On: January 11, 2019
low testosterone, sexual health, testosterone levels

Studies have shown that approximately 1/4th of men suffer from low testosterone. The men who suffer from this condition find themselves fatigued, lethargic, and even depressed.

These effects present themselves in a number of ways, some of them physical, some of them emotional, and some of them psychological.

Do you have low testosterone? Here are 7 signs of low testosterone in men.

Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

Men who suffer from low testosterone often don’t realize that they’re suffering from low testosterone. Many of them just report feeling different, as if something isn’t quite right.

However, there are specific symptoms which indicate such a condition. Those symptoms are as follows.

1. Reduced Sex Drive

One of the clearest signs that your testosterone levels are low is if your sex drive has reduced substantially. However, it’s important to note that not all of those with low testosterone experience such a symptom. Some men are able to maintain their sex drives in spite of their reducing testosterone levels.

Scientists are yet to discover exactly why testosterone is important for sex drive. However, there is little doubt that it is. Trends show that, as men grow older, their testosterone levels drop, and, simultaneously, their sex drives decline as well.

Of course, it’s important to note that a reduced sex drive doesn’t have the same meaning for every man. Some men might notice just a slight drop in sexual interest. Other men might go from being sexually voracious to having no interest in sex whatsoever.

Nonetheless, in a great many cases, plummeting testosterone levels are to blame. This is specifically true if the affected men are past the age of 30.

2. Impaired Memory and Concentration

Another sign that you’re suffering from low testosterone is if your memory or concentration has suddenly become impaired. While your testosterone levels are not always responsible for this, they are very often to blame. In fact, several studies have shown a correlation between low testosterone levels and the onset of dementia.

In the short-term, you might notice that you can’t sit through a TV show, read a page in a book, or keep a conversation going with being distracted. Your focus becomes compromised to the point that you can’t function in the way that you used to function.

Fortunately, you don’t have to stand for low testosterone. There are a number of ways to increase your levels, many of which will be reviewed below.

3. Off-Kilter Mood

One of the most noticeable changes that you’ll see in someone suffering from low testosterone is a change in mood. Those who once sported a sunny disposition might now begin to have mood swings. They might become irritable and snap at the most mundane of stimulants.

This is extremely common in those with low testosterone. It occurs due to the testosterone receptors in the brain not receiving enough testosterone to function adequately.

Two common mental illnesses are spurred on by low testosterone: anxiety and depression. If you find yourself in a near-constant state of panic or struggle to enjoy things that you once loved, your testosterone levels could very well be to blame.

The question is: why does low testosterone cause these conditions? While there is no definitive answer, researchers believe that it’s because low testosterone results in low serotonin production.

Serotonin, “the feel-good chemical,” is vital to the regulation of mood. Less serotonin production equals less consistent mood regulation. In essence, depression and anxiety are an inevitability.

4. Muscle Loss

As men get older, they find it harder and harder to build muscle. The primary reason for this is simple: reduced testosterone levels. Testosterone is one of the keys to muscle growth, and when it diminishes, it causes muscle to diminish with it.

This is a big challenge for men who like to lift weights and body build. As they age, and their testosterone levels drop, they struggle to get any bigger.

At best, they maintain their size. Most often, however, they actually lose muscle. This is because the chemicals in their bodies are actively working against them.

It’s worth noting, though, that while drops in testosterone will result in muscle loss, they won’t typically result in strength loss. Men won’t begin to lose strength until their muscles, joints, and bones begin to wear down.

5. Erectile Dysfunction

A reduction in testosterone can not only affect a man’s sex drive in a psychological sense, but in a physical sense as well. This is to say that men with low testosterone often have trouble with achieving an erection.

Though testosterone is not the primary factor when it comes to erectile dysfunction, it’s one of the roots of the problem. When little testosterone is produced, the testosterone receptors in the brain have very little testosterone to receive. This prevents the receptors from behaving in their ordinary manner, restricting the production of nitric oxide.

Unfortunately, nitric oxide is needed for men to achieve erection. So, in essence, a lack of testosterone will often lead to erectile dysfunction.

However, it should be noted that a variety of other conditions can cause erectile dysfunction in a man. Smoking excessively, drinking excessively, and putting yourself under extreme amounts of stress can also make it difficult to achieve erection.

Those suffering from low testosterone might also notice they’re producing far less semen than they once did. Testosterone is hugely important in the development of semen. When it levels reduce, semen production reduces as well.

6. Hair Loss

Another symptom that’s commonly associated with low testosterone is hair loss. While not all hair loss comes about due to reductions in testosterone, a good deal of it does. This is specifically true of body and facial hair.

When men lose the hair on their heads, it’s generally due to their genetics. However, low testosterone levels can sometimes exacerbate the problem, leading to more rapid loss.

The question is: why does low testosterone result in hair loss? The reason is simple: lower testosterone levels result in higher DHT levels, and high levels of DHT result in hair loss.

7. General Fatigue

Do you find yourself exhausted every waking moment of your day? Is it getting progressively more difficult to get out of bed in the mornings? If so, your testosterone levels could be the problem.

Those who suffer from low testosterone almost always suffer from fatigue as well. This fatigue presents itself physically, psychologically, and emotionally, and generally makes it difficult for affected individuals to lead their once-ordinary lives.

Fatigue is a problem because it very often leads to stagnancy. From there, even more complicated problems (ie. depression, mood swings, erectile dysfunction, etc.) set in.

You should note, however, that fatigue can stem from a variety of different sources. The problem could be low testosterone levels, however, it could also be overwork, a sleep disorder, a medication that you’re taking, and a variety of other things.

Can Men Raise Their Testosterone Levels?

Do you believe that your testosterone levels are low? If so, there’s no need to worry. There are ways to increase your testosterone.

A few tips for increasing your testosterone levels are:

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is key to keeping your testosterone levels up. Those who exercise on a regular basis see a more gradual decline than those who do not.

Note, however, that if your levels are already at rock bottom, exercise won’t have a large effect. The ones who can benefit from exercise are the ones who are on the cusp of having low testosterone.

All types of exercise can be used to maintain your testosterone levels. However, weight training tends to offer the greatest results. Lifting heavy weights 3 to 5 times throughout the week is key.

This isn’t to say that cardio isn’t important. Running, bike riding, and playing fast-paced sports is helpful. It’s just not as helpful as weight training.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Regardless of whether or not your testosterone levels are low, you should be getting ample sleep every night. However, if your levels are low, sleep should be an even bigger priority.

Odds are, if you’re only sleeping 4 or 5 hours a night, your testosterone levels are suffering. At a minimum, you should be logging 7 hours a night. Ideally, however, you should get 10 hours of sleep a night.

There are studies available to illustrate this phenomenon. They all show the same thing across the board: sleep deprivation has a strong negative effect on testosterone.

Eat a Proper Diet

Another key to raising your testosterone levels is to eat a proper diet. Those who eat unbalanced diets tend to have plummeting levels of testosterone.

Now, what does a balanced diet look like in this context? Well, it contains adequate, but limited amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. In essence, it contains an appropriate macro-nutrient ratio.

Ideally, you should maintain a macro ratio of around 50% carbs, 35% fats, and 15% proteins. At the same time, you should maintain adequate caloric intake. Overeating or starving yourself can have serious negative consequences on your testosterone levels as well.

Meet Your Vitamin D Needs

Though there is still much research to be done, existing research suggests that Vitamin D plays a large role in testosterone production. For this reason, men need to make sure that they’re absorbing the necessary amount of Vitamin D on a daily basis. Unfortunately, in modern society, many men aren’t.

Vitamin D can be taken from a number of sources. Not only is it found in foods such as egg yolks and fish, it’s found in the rays of the sun as well. UV rays can be absorbed through the skin and converted to Vitamin D.

If you wish, you can even take Vitamin D supplements. Doing so is the best way to ensure that you’re meeting your Vitamin D needs, producing adequate testosterone on a regular basis.

Avoid Testosterone-Killing Foods

Just as there are foods that can help create testosterone, there are foods that can help destroy testosterone. Once your testosterone levels have begun to drop, you should avoid these foods as much as possible.

They include, but are not limited to soy-based foods, beer, flax seed, processed foods, and nuts. While eating these foods every once in a while will not have a large negative effect on your testosterone, eating these foods on a regular basis almost certainly will.

Keep Stress to a Minimum

There’s nothing good about stress. The more stress the body and mind take on, the more damage is done to them. Stress presents itself in a number of ways, one of which is a reduction in testosterone production.

Why does stress cause testosterone to reduce? Because it causes cortisol to increase. These two hormones have a negatively correlating relationship; As one of these hormones rises, the other one falls.

Therefore, if you want your testosterone levels to remain high, you have to keep your stress levels to a minimum. While stress management isn’t always easy, it is possible. Eating a healthy diet, getting plentiful sleep, engaging in healthy relationships, and participating in other positive activities is the best course of action.

Undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy

A sure-fire way to increase your testosterone levels is by undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. This is a series of ongoing procedures in which testosterone is injected into the body.

Over time, testosterone replacement therapy can have a huge positive impact on mood, sex drive, energy levels, and more. It’s a great option for men whose testosterone levels have been naturally reduced by age.

Testosterone replacement therapy is a medical procedure, one which should be carried out by licensed doctors. Don’t try to purchase and inject testosterone on your own. Doing so could is very dangerous.

Can Men Raise Their Testosterone Levels?

Are you displaying signs of low testosterone in men? Would you like to undergo testosterone replacement therapy? If so, Mantality can help.

Our company is the premier testosterone replacement facility in the Midwest. With offices in Omaha, Nebraska, St. Louis, Missouri, Des Moines, Iowa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and North Liberty, Iowa, we assist thousands of men yearly.

Contact us now to schedule an appointment!

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