The Symptoms of Low Testosterone and When to Reach Out for Help

On: July 10, 2019
low testosterone

Having low testosterone is surprisingly a very common issue that men face. It affects millions of men across the world. Men and women require the use of testosterone in their bodies to maintain normal hormonal levels. It helps to control sex drive, energy levels, and help develop muscles. It comes with many other health benefits for your bone and heart health, as well as used as a confidence booster. Milwaukee testosterone replacement therapy is one of those treatment options available for men to use.


Most Common Signs of Low Testosterone

There are a number of things to watch out for when you’re dealing with low testosterone. When it comes to choosing to get help that is needed, it is best to speak with someone that understands and knows more about the issue, so that you can get the best help possible.


Lethargy – This is one of the most common symptoms that you can experience, and one of the ones that you need to seek help for if you notice it. If you normally feel full of energy but you’ve noticed that lately you do not, this could be because of the testosterone level.


More body fat than usual – This can be because of anything, but more often than not, if the other symptoms are noticed then it can be due to the lack of testosterone in the system. Building muscle may be tough to do, so you want to watch out for this symptom.


Lower sex drive than normal – One of the most common and most bothersome symptoms of having low testosterone is having a lower sex drive than normal. If you’re in a situation that would normally arouse you, but it is not then you may be dealing with lower testosterone levels. This could also come with erectile dysfunction symptoms, as well.


Smaller muscles – If your muscles have gotten smaller and they seem to be weaker than they normally are, this could be because of the testosterone levels in the system. This can be noticeable in men that may muscle build or strengthen their muscles through exercise regularly.


Having a poor mood – Mood changes or swings may also be because of the lower than normal testosterone levels in the system. This can be changed with the right therapy. You may also have more anxiety and depression than usual.


What to Do if You Notice the Symptoms

If you notice any of the symptoms above, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor or physician regarding what you’re seeing. They can run tests to determine if your testosterone levels are to blame for the changes you’re seeing. If they are, you can find that having a testosterone replacement therapy treatment might be the best option for you and your symptoms.


Those that think they are experiencing an issue with their testosterone levels should seek help They can provide more information regarding the treatment plans available, and what to expect with them. Help is just a call away, and the right clinic can provide the necessary help needed.



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