Testosterone Study Shows Reduced Risk of Myocardial Infarction

On: November 11, 2015
Testosterone Therapy, trt

The European Heart Journal recently published results from a clinical study showing a connection between normalization of testosterone and reduced risk of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. The study was led by researchers from the Kansas City Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri. Study participants included 83,010 male military veterans with documented low TT (total testosterone) levels from December 1999 to May 2014.

According to the study synopsis, the study aim was to “examine the relationship between normalization of total testosterone (TT) after TRT and CV events as well as all-cause mortality in patients without previous history of MI [myocardial infarction] and stroke.” (European Heart Journal) Study subjects were categorized into three cohort groups:

  • Group I: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) resulting in normalized TT (total testosterone) levels post-treatment;
  • Group II: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) not resulting in normalized TT (total testosterone) levels post-treatment
  • Group III: Did not receive testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)

Researchers used propensity score-weighted Cox proportional hazard models to compare the association of TRT with all-cause mortality, stroke, and myocardial infarction (MI). Comparison models further created an aggregated endpoint to gauge study results. Using propensity-matched cohort comparisons, Group I demonstrated significant decreases in all categories of all-cause mortality [hazard ratio (HR): 0.44, confidence interval (CI) 0.42–0.46], stroke [HR: 0.64, CI 0.43–0.96], and MI [HR: 0.76, CI 0.63–0.93] in contrast to both Groups II and III.

Study results prove the significant health benefits of successful testosterone replacement therapy. Reducing risk of myocardial infarction and stroke can save your life and give you many more years to enjoy with your loved ones.

Don’t do TRT just for yourself; do it for those you love. Our Low T St. Louis staff put together a FREE eBook available here for immediate download to help you learn more about the many benefits of TRT. Download your FREE eBook right now and schedule your next appointment at Low T St. Louis.

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