T is for Thin? All About Testosterone and Weight Loss

On: July 28, 2019
Testosterone, Weight

More than 93.3 million American adults are affected by obese. Struggling with weight gain has become a major concern for most Americans. This is due to the level of sedentary living in modern society.

Gaining weight is easy, especially if you are often deskbound. But the health and social implications that follow can be depressing.

If you have been trying to regain control of your weight in vain, then it is time to try a new approach. Testosterone therapy may be what you need.

You may be wondering, what’s the truth about testosterone and weight loss? Can testosterone make you lose weight or is that just a myth? Here’s everything you need to know.

Can Boosting Your Testosterone Help You with Weight Loss?

This question remains a common query in most weight loss programs. Research on male testosterone has been progressive over the last decade. The research focuses on men and obesity, as a good number of men have an above average rate of the testosterone hormone.

But in certain cases, there are men who struggle with lower levels of this hormone. This second group of men has a higher susceptibility for weight gain.

Enough with the speculations though. Here is everything you need to know about testosterone and weight gain.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a critical male sex hormone. The testicles are responsible for the production of this important hormone. In men, this hormone is responsible for certain masculine features. They include a deeper voice, muscle growth, stronger bones, and growth of body hairs.

The sperm cell maturation in men relies on the extent of testosterone levels in the body. Men who struggle with male infertility have lower counts of this important hormone.

Women also have certain levels of testosterone. In females, testosterone is produced in the ovaries. The main purpose of testosterone in women is to help in muscle mass development, therefore, women with higher than usual levels of testosterone are not strange.

In both cases, the suppression of testosterone affects muscle growth. The low testosterone level also has an implication on weight gain. Now that you know what testosterone is, let’s understand the relationship between this hormone and weight.

Your Testosterone Levels Affect Your Weight

A good measure of testosterone can suppress fat gain. This sounds like a baseless argument, right? Well, weight is generally related to bad eating practices, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyles.

People will on rare occasions look within to determine the reason for their weight gain. But the truth is, that stubborn weight gain may be a result of lower testosterone levels in your system. Men with high testosterone levels will tend to have leaner bodies.

The bad news is that when your testosterone levels are lower, your muscle mass development is at risk. The consequence then is the disproportionate increase in your weight levels. The good news is that it is possible to deal with this underlying deficiency.

What if Your Big Big T is Below Average?

In general, your average testosterone levels should be within the range of 270-1070 ng/dl as a man. From about the age of 20 years, the production of this important hormone picks in top gear.

By the age of 35, it is likely that your testosterone development will begin to slow down.
It is common to find this important hormone in lower levels in men between the ages of 30-35 years. In certain cases, these levels may be as low as 250 ng/dl, which form a medical point of view may pose certain underlying health concerns.

More than 70% of obese men suffer from male hypogonadism. In simpler terms, this relates to testosterone deficiency. The accuracy of this research suggests that most of these men struggle with low levels of this hormone, explaining the link between weight gain and hypogonadism in men.

If your testosterone level is below 30% on average, then there is a high chance that you are obese or headed towards obesity. This is a concern for any person considering the health implications of obesity.

What You Need to Know About Low Testosterone

Low testosterone or male hypogonadism may be an inborn disease. The condition may also be a recurrent development that emerges over time.

The severity of this condition depends on the cause or the point at which it first developed. The primary causes of low testosterone may be biological.

Testicular failures at birth are the leading cause of this concern. As discussed earlier, aging may also lead to lower testosterone levels.

As you proceed beyond 35 years of age, your testosterone levels reduce in a gradual trend. Nonetheless, this drop never hits zero levels, as it is seen in the case of estrogen on women.

If you are struggling with lower than average testosterone levels, it is possible that you may have type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes often tends to have a direct contribution to the lower levels of production of testosterone in the body. A chronic liver condition or other related kidney diseases may have a direct contribution to the cases of lower testosterone in men.

You will also notice that when struggling with lung diseases or pituitary gland concerns, your weight will tend to increase. Some people argue that this weight gain during such instances of illnesses could be due to the effects of medication. But the reality is that often this is due to lower levels of testosterone.

When you are able to understand such dynamics, it is possible to address other concerns associated with lower testosterone in the body system. Now that you are more aware of the role that testosterone serves in the body and the relationship that lower levels have on weight gain, let’s understand how you can assess the symptoms of a low big T.

Other Indicators Linking Lower Testosterone and Weight Gain

Men who are obese or overweight often tend to have a lower sex drive. The notion is that it is the weight that causes this lower sex drive.

The opposite is true. If you have lower levels of testosterone, then it is likely that your sex drive will be low.

Weight gain as explained is also a consequence of lower testosterone. This means that both low libido and increased body weight are results of lower testosterone.

The other important consideration when assessing your testosterone levels is the notion around erectile dysfunction. You must have had the argument around erectile dysfunction and excess weight. Well, the reality is that most men who are an overweight struggle with erectile dysfunctions.

But most times, the erectile concerns are a result of low testosterone, which is also responsible for the excess weight. You now understand that weight gain, lower sex drive, and erectile dysfunctions are all implications of lower levels of testosterone.

Having considered all these concerns, it is now important to ask the question, can testosterone for weight loss be an effective remedy for excess weight?

Can Men Lose Weight?

Exercising is important, it will get you all leaned up. Dieting is also imperative, it can ensure a balance in the nutrients you uptake. However, if you are keen on losing that excess fat as a man, it is important for you to look within.

Men can lose weight without having to struggle with strict exercise regimes of illicit anaerobic steroids. You may be wondering how right? The answer is in testosterone therapy.

TRT and Weight Loss

In recent studies, men with obesity and hypogonadism underwent a testosterone therapy procedure. The idea was to assess these cohorts and weight loss trajectory post-TRT.

The research involved a comparison of these men and a similar number of men with low testosterone levels. The control group did not undergo testosterone therapy.

The men in the TRT for weight experiment lost on average 22.9 kg over the ten-year period. In the control group, there was on average an additional 3.2 kg in weight gain over this period. Forget these statistics, the baseline conclusion was that there was a 24% difference in the weight loss measure between the two groups.

Numbers never lie, and these results are a confirmation of the role of testosterone therapy in weight loss. You may need to consider boosting your testosterone levels if you need to take control of your weight in the future. One of the ways of achieving adequate levels of testosterone is through testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

TRT for weight loss is a legalized prescription as a solution to hypogonadism or low testosterone. From a medical point of view, this procedure involves administering supplements, cream, skin patch, and injection.

The process involves the injection of a solution through intra-muscular shots. The solution then produces testosterone into the bloodstream, which boosts your big T levels. During the procedure, which must occur under medical supervision, the hormone is administered into the veins.

One dose of the injection is about 200-250 mg of testosterone, which is administered every 2-3 weeks. The procedure involves injecting the hormone deep into the gluteal muscle.

As early as 3 weeks into the therapy, it is possible to begin feeling and seeing the effects of TRT. But the most effective therapeutic effects of testosterone replacement are visible about 18- 13 weeks after the first injection. You may also need to ensure that you maintain a low-calorie diet during this period.

The injection of testosterone into your system has positive effects on your weight loss regime. The hormone will begin the process of muscle growth as you keep up with testosterone replacement procedures. As you keep up with this process, the number of calories burnt will tend to increase as you keep up with the therapy process.

The Result of TRT on Testosterone and Weight Loss

As you undergo the testosterone replacement procedure you will begin to experience rapid muscle mass development. The outcome will also have a direct implication on your ability to burn fat. In men between the ages of 35 years and above, there is an underlying correlation between belly fat and lower testosterone levels.

According to medical research, body fat contains an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. The process explains the presence of stubborn body fat in men. All that has been discussed above is the scientific linkage between weight gain and testosterone levels in your body.

The conclusion made from a layman’s point of view is that testosterone is the ultimate solution to reducing your belly fat. The practice of testosterone replacement therapy has become a common approach to weight loss among men in the age of 35 years and above. Depending on the experience of the therapists the following side effects may emerge.

Side Effects of the Therapy

Depending on your choice of a testosterone replacement therapist, you may end up with a myriad of side effects. You may need to consider a qualified TRT specialist to ensure that your testosterone for weight loss journey is not complicated.

Some of the common side effects of testosterone replacement therapy include acne and mild fluid irritation. You need to conduct due diligence before making a decision on the choice of a specialist to administer the therapy to you. You may consider referrals and online search engines to verify your potential clients.

Use the Positive Relation Between Testosterone and Weight Loss to Your Advantage

Now that dieting and exercise have not worked for you, it may be time to consider testosterone for weight loss as your ultimate fall back to plan. If you seem not to find a solution for that belly fat or the extra weight you have accrued over time, it is high time you consider TRT, which takes advantage of the positive relationship of testosterone and weight loss.

This guide offers you all the information you need on how men can lose weight. The TRT procedure for weight loss is safe. You will appreciate the ease in the entire process.

Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions regarding testosterone treatment.

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