It’s Not Just Low T, it’s Estrogen Causing Weight Gain…

On: August 19, 2017
diet, Estrogen, low testosterone

It’s Not Just Low T, it’s Estrogen Causing Weight Gain.

Have you been gaining weight lately? As it turns out, it might be estrogen causing weight gain and not just diet and exercise patterns.

Keyword(s): estrogen causing weight gain

Despite a consistent workout routine and regimented diet, you’re still gaining weight.

If this sounds familiar, don’t rush out to test your testosterone levels just yet. The issue might actually be estrogen causing weight gain, not your diet and exercise routine.

Estrogen causing weight gain isn’t just a problem for females. It can also be an issue for aging males.

However, the role of estrogen and how it relates to other hormones is complex. This means that estrogen might not be your only problem.

But don’t worry, these hormonal imbalances can often be corrected.

In this post, we’ll review estrogen causing weight gain and associated disorders. Then, we’ll tell you can do to correct these imbalances.

Estrogen Causing Weight Gain

Just because you’ve got an estrogen problem doesn’t mean you’re any less of a man.

However, it might indicate reduced testosterone levels. As such, it’s always prudent to get your hormone levels checked regularly.

In women, estrogen is made in the reproductive organs. Since men lack this equipment, they must produce estrogen by other means. This is done through a chemical process called aromatase, in which the testosterone hormone is converted into estrogen.

Sometimes, this can get off balance. This leads to either too much or too little activity from this conversion process.

When this process creates converts too much testosterone, it creates a testosterone deficiency, which is then coupled with elevated estrogen levels.

Alternatively, if this process isn’t active enough, it creates an estrogen deficiency. Sometimes, however, levels of both hormones are depleted. If this is the case, measures should be taken to correct these hormonal imbalances.

What Estrogen Does

In men, estrogen serves only a few functions. First, it’s been discovered that the hormone is responsible for promoting the growth of mature sperm cells. But it also aids in promoting bone strength, reaching sexual maturity, and the metabolizing of cholesterol.

If levels are too high, however, estrogen causing weight gain is the least of your worries. This is because it can have other, more serious, consequences on your health. High estrogen levels have been linked to increased risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, and even enlarged breasts.

Furthermore, if estrogen levels are elevated, that means testosterone levels are depleted. This creates problems all on its own. Low testosterone levels can result in decreased muscle mass, decreased libido, fatigue, and erectile dysfunction.

Interestingly, the chemical reaction that converts testosterone into estrogen occurs in fat cells — especially in the fat cells around the abdomen. As men age, this conversion process happens more regularly. As such, estrogen causing weight gain is a common problem as men get older.

Unfortunately, the more body fat there is, the more likely it is that estrogen causing weight gain will become a problem. If the issue is left unaddressed, it can result in the development of diabetes. It can also lead to elevated levels of harmful lipids such as cholesterol.

How to Treat Increased Estrogen Levels

This problem can be corrected quite easily. Sometimes, high estrogen levels can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy.

Elevated estrogen levels can also be counteracted with proper nutrition and regular exercise. This is especially true when you add supplements to your routine.

Additionally, it’s recommended that people with elevated estrogen levels decrease the amount of alcohol consumed and increase the intake of flaxseed and vitamin B.

There are also estrogen blockers available, which help decrease the uptake of the hormone. Both natural and pharmaceutical estrogen blockers exist.

Depending on the severity of the condition, it might be helpful to try the natural remedies first. Though, you should always consult your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet and exercise plan.

Natural estrogen blockers include:

Wild nettle root

Prostate medication is sometimes made using this ingredient, and its supplements can help regulate estrogen levels.

Grape seed extract

This has been shown to work as an inhibitor to the process that converts testosterone into estrogen.


Found in honey and passionflower, this plant matter supposedly inhibits the uptake of estrogen while promoting testosterone production.


This vegetable is packed with vitamins and other beneficial nutrients, but there’s little evidence to suggest it aids in the regulation of hormones. Yet, proponents claim it benefits fertility in women and estrogen regulation in men.

Pharmaceutical estrogen blockers include Evista, Femara, Tamoxifen, and Arimidex. These medications are typically prescribed as treatments for breast cancer. They are also known to prevent the uptake of estrogen in men.

Avoiding Environmental Estrogen

As if increased estrogen levels weren’t enough to deal with, you also need to be wary of estrogen found in your surroundings.

Environmental estrogens aren’t necessarily harmful.

But for anyone dealing with elevated levels, it’s wise to avoid environmental estrogens whenever possible. For example, avoid eating meat products that came from animals which were raised with synthetic growth hormones.

Food isn’t the only source of these environmental estrogens, though. The plastic wraps that food comes packaged in can also contain estrogens. Plastic containers also contain estrogens which can seep into any food stored in them.

Lastly, avoid using products that contain parabens. Parabens are a type of preservative commonly used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. This compound is used widely in shampoos and other toiletries. As a general rule, avoid products containing these compounds whenever possible.

That way, you can stay safe and ensure you’re doing everything to limit estrogen’s influence.

Wrapping Up

If your estrogen levels are elevated, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

The process occurs naturally as the body gets older. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. To wrap this up, let’s review the different solutions for increased estrogen levels:

  • Decreasing body fat
  • Taking supplements
  • Using estrogen inhibitors
  • Improved diet and reduced alcohol intake
  • Avoiding environmental estrogens

Do you have personal experience dealing with elevated estrogen levels and the associated weight gain?

Tell us about it! Share your experience with us.

For more information on how to boost your testosterone levels, spend some time on our website.

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