Why men in their 50’s should avoid energy drinks

On: March 31, 2016
diet, health, Testosterone Therapy, trt

Nobody likes that 2:30 feeling, the one that commercials tout as the prime time for an energy drink. If you’re like most men your age and you also hate coffee, grabbing an energy drink may seem like a good solution. Before you do, ask yourself, “Can my heart handle an energy drink?”

Energy drinks can contribute to heart-related incidents, including chest pain, even in consumers with no indication of heart disease. A research survey of an Australia-based hospital emergency department from 2014-2015 revealed that 36% of male patients who presented heart palpitations previously consumed an energy drink less than 24 hours earlier. (Source)

The risk is even greater for men in their 50’s or older with borderline hypogonadism (clinically-low testosterone). As we age, our testosterone levels can naturally decline, leaving us susceptible to serious health risks, including heart attacks and strokes. Consuming an energy drink may be the final straw for your heart.

Combining energy drinks and alcohol

Additional studies prove that combining energy drinks with alcohol can elevate the risk of adverse effects. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) directed seven manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages (CABs) to stop distribution of their products, stating,

“FDA does not find support for the claim that the addition of caffeine to these alcoholic beverages is ‘generally recognized as safe,’ which is the legal standard.” (FDA)

Alcohol creates a compounding negative environment for energy drink consumption. First, alcohol naturally reduces the brain’s ability to determine when and why to keep from consuming energy drinks. Second, alcohol also decreases the body’s ability to break down caffeine, thus creating a potentially dangerous context for higher concentrations of caffeine.

If more energy is what you need, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help you naturally and safely restore your testosterone levels without the cardiovascular risk of energy drinks. Our Mantality team provides only the safest proven treatments. Within a few short weeks of treatment, you can notice your energy levels returning and feel like a younger man again.

Do you have questions or concerns about TRT? Let us help you get the right answers. Our team created a FREE eBook available here for immediate download to help you learn more about testosterone replacement therapy. Download your FREE eBook right now and schedule your next appointment today.

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