Maintaining Good Prostate Health: Important Tips Every Man Should Know

On: February 10, 2019
Exercise, health, Prostate

You know that your prostate is important. It helps with everything from sexual performance to going to the bathroom.

And unfortunately, prostate issues are a real risk.

As you get older, you’re more likely to face prostate conditions ranging from minor and temporary inflammation to permanent enlargement.

The best way to prevent those prostate issues is to keep it as healthy as possible. But if you’re like most men, keeping it healthy feels like a bit of a mystery.

We’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll go over a few simple ways to promote prostate health without putting a strain on your budget.

Eat Lycopene-Rich Foods

When it comes to staying healthy, you don’t always have to reach for a bottle of pills. In fact, many of the foods you enjoy already can help improve prostate health.

Lycopene-rich foods are some of the best. But what is lycopene?

It’s an antioxidant that gives fruit and vegetables a brilliant red color. And it’s thought to help your body manage free radicals and improve prostate health.

The most well-known lycopene-rich food is tomatoes, but that’s by no means the only source. In fact, it’s found in far more fruits and veggies than you think!

Watermelon, grapefruit, and mangos are great sources perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. But you can also find lycopene in vegetables like asparagus, red cabbage, and carrots.

The key here is to look for foods that are red or dark in color. And the redder the peel is, the more lycopene the food has.

And if you want an excuse to enjoy America’s favorite condiment…you’ve got it! Lycopene is even found in ketchup!

Drink Plenty of Coffee

This one should come pretty easily to most adult men. And it’s probably already part of your daily routine: drinking coffee.

Studies suggest that drinking between four and five cups each day can reduce your risk of prostate conditions. This is only the ideal number of cups per day. Drinking any amount of the black stuff is still considered healthy.

But there’s a right and wrong way to drink it. The last thing you want to do is load your coffee up with cream and sugar. If possible, try to get your caffeine fix by drinking it black.

If you can’t stomach the taste or need a way to take the edge off the bitterness, add a touch of low-fat coffee creamer to the brew. Sweeten it with stevia instead of sugar or aspartame-based product.

Ditch the Processed Food and Sugar

A healthy prostate is easier to maintain when the rest of you is healthy, too. And that means you need to watch what you eat.

Ditch the processed foods and snacks whenever possible. Instead, opt for whole foods full of vital nutrients.

What Counts as Whole Foods

Whole foods are anything you can find in nature. Think whole grains like rice and quinoa, lean proteins like chicken and fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can prepare these in any way you see fit. But the important thing is that they’re not prepackaged convenience foods.

Convenience foods and snacks are filled with preservatives, salt, and sugar. Worse, they offer very little in the way of nutritional value.

The food you eat needs to do something good for your body. Empty calories encourage fat storage and can leave you feeling fatigued after eating them.


Obesity does more than make you feel insecure about your bodyweight. It puts a strain on your health. And it might even increase your risk of prostate inflammation and enlargement.

In a recent study, researchers found that men between the ages of 50 and 59 struggling with obesity had a 35 percent higher risk of developing an enlarged prostate.

By getting the weight off, you may decrease your risk of long-term health issues. And the key to getting healthy is to exercise regularly.

If it’s been a while since you exercised, don’t panic. We’re not saying you need to hit the gym and run for an hour straight right off the bat!

Instead, get up and get moving whenever you can.

Go for a walk on your lunch hour. If you work on your feet, march in place. Even this small amount of movement is a great start.

And you might even see some quick weight loss, especially if you’re transitioning from a sedentary lifestyle.

Regardless, dedicate at least 30 minutes to moving around. Try to get your heart rate up and don’t be afraid to push yourself once you get used to the routine.

And some exercises can even boost your testosterone while promoting a healthy prostate. So, it’s a win-win!

Stop Putting Off That Physical

Believe it or not, there are health screenings that can monitor your risk for prostate issues. But they’re not a substitute for general physicals.

A healthy prostate is just one component of your overall health. And when the rest of your body is healthy, your prostate is better off.

Though prostate issues are some of the most common concerns, it’s not the only health issue you’ll face. In fact, as you age, your hormones can change. And these changes influence your overall prostate health.

For most men, an enlarged prostate is the first thing they’ll notice. Though enlarged prostates are nothing to worry about, they can lead to some inconvenient symptoms.

Enlarged Prostates and Urinary Health

When your prostate gets bigger, it can make going to the bathroom painful. It can block the flow of urine, making it harder to go each time.

Over time and when left untreated, enlarged prostates lead to an increased risk of urinary tract infections, bladder issues, and even kidney problems.

The best way to treat it is to keep your body in good shape and see your doctor regularly. You’ll also want to pay attention to how often you go to the bathroom. If you’re spending more time in a stall than you are having fun, you need to get help.

Treat Yourself Right

The best way to reduce your risk of many health conditions, prostate enlargement and inflammation included, is to treat yourself right. So, start by looking at the habits you have.

Are you a smoker? Do you get enough sleep each night? How much do you drink each week?

If you smoke regularly, start taking steps to quit. Smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year. And that’s not counting the people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, and overall poor health from the habit.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try to figure out why you’re not sleeping through the night.

And if you drink frequently, consider cutting back. The occasional binder won’t be enough to derail your efforts, but you don’t want to make a habit of it.

When you get rid of those bad habits, you’ll see an improvement in your health. The healthier your body is, the better it can address inflammation and underlying health issues that hurt your prostate.

Go Outside

Getting fresh air is always a good idea and can help improve your health. How? Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is produced by your skin when it’s exposed to the sun. And it helps with everything from boosting your immune system to supporting a healthy prostate.

As an added bonus, it also improves your testosterone levels and can help you stay active for longer. Without vitamin D, you’ll have low energy levels and might find that you get sick more often.

But going outside is good for more than just getting vitamin D. It’s a great way to de-stress and disconnect after spending the better part of the day at work.

When you go outside, your mind is free from distractions, electronics, and the hustle and bustle of daily life. Mental health is just as important as physical health. And when you’re stressed out, it’s easy to fall back into bad habits.

Watch Your Sodium Intake

Sodium is in almost everything you eat. It’s salt, and salt gives food flavor.

In small amounts, it’s healthy enough. But if you’re eating tons of sodium every day, it can lead to multiple health conditions.

Ideally, try to eat no more than 2,300 milligrams each day. Take a look at the nutrition labels on the food you buy and watch the percentages.

In food you cook yourself, monitoring how much salt you add can be tough. But most people find that they use way less than pre-packaged foods and restaurants. If you cook for yourself, you should be fine.

Get Down with Green Tea

You can’t drink coffee all day, every day. Otherwise, you’d burn out on caffeine and spend the day a jittery mess.

But you can find a healthy alternative to give you a little pick-me-up in the afternoon after your morning coffee wears off. And green tea is a great option.

It’s packed full of healthy antioxidants that, like lycopene, help your cells get rid of damaging free-radicals. This may reduce your risk of developing certain health issues.

When free radicals build up in your system, it makes it easy for your body to get inflamed. Over time, different parts of your body start to suffer, getting swollen and achy. If you eliminate the free radicals, your body can repair and prevent inflammation more easily.

Is green tea weird? A little. But you probably didn’t like the taste of coffee when you first tried it either.

Give it a try. You can spice things up by adding a bit of lemon juice. And remember, it’s for your health!

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is always important. And it’s more important when you’re living an active lifestyle. But if you’re like 75 percent of Americans, you don’t drink enough water each day.

When you’re dehydrated, you’re at higher risk for bladder infections and urinary tract infections. These problems can hurt your prostate over time. But if you drink enough water, your kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract will stay healthier.

So, where do you start?

Be mindful of how much water you’re drinking and try to drink at least a gallon a day. Make it a goal. Keep a water bottle handy and track how much water you have.

It’s hard at first, but once you get in the habit, you’ll be able to stay hydrated without thinking about it.

Be Cautious with Supplements

It’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before you start any new supplement. Some supplements, especially calcium, can increase your risk of prostate problems.

In normal amounts, your body uses calcium to keep your bones and teeth healthy. But when you take too much, the calcium creates deposits. Deposits are solid concentrations of calcium that build up in the body.

And in men, they build up in the prostate. When left untreated, calcium deposits put you at risk for infections and prostate inflammation.

The best thing you can do is work with your doctor and let them run a blood test before starting a supplement routine. They can check the levels of vitamins and minerals already in your bloodstream.

With this information, you can create a completely customized supplement routine designed to optimize your health. Remember, pre-made supplements and mixes are tailored to work for the average person. They might not work for you.

Focus on Prostate Health

Prostate health is something every man should strive for. Use these tips and make regular appointments with your doctor to keep your body healthy and working as it should.

If you find that your prostate issues are accompanied by low testosterone, don’t panic. Get the help you need. Contact us today for more information or to arrange a testosterone replacement therapy session.

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