It’s Not Just Your Age: 7 Signs of Low T in Young Men

On: May 2, 2017

7 Signs of Low Testosterone in Young Men

Think low T is a symptom of age? Think again. Here are the signs of low testosterone in young men you need to look out for.

Keyword(s): low testosterone in young men

Most men assume that low testosterone only occurs in older individuals. It’s a sign of aging, right? A sign of a life well lived that the body is simply winding down from?

While lower testosterone is common among many older men, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen to men of all ages. In fact, nearly 1 in 4 men under 30 have low T. Low testosterone in young men can occur for a variety of reasons, many under your control. It’s important to know the warning signs so you can take proper steps.

If you happen to be under 30, this all may apply to you. This article will introduce seven common signs of low testosterone and offer a little bit of insight into potential cases and treatments.

Causes Of Low Testosterone In Young Men

Low testosterone in young men occurs for several reasons that can depend on your health and lifestyle. Many of these causes are manageable if you or a doctor can correctly identify them in order to make certain changes.

Certain physical causes of low T include high blood pressure, cholesterol, and being overweight. Other conditions such as certain diseases and tumors can also be linked to low T. Lifestyle habits like heavy drinking and doing illegal drugs can contribute to low T. In particular, the use of anabolic steroids and other prescription drugs can prevent the body from producing the typical testosterone it needs to function.

A doctor can help diagnosis and potentially identify the underlying causes of low T. First, however, you need to recognize the more common signs of low testosterone in young men.

Seven Signs

Recognizing one of these seven signs will allow you to get on track to fixing the problem. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it does present some of the more common warnings you should notice if you find yourself experiencing any of these signs.

Decreased Libido

Testosterone is one of the main ingredients involved with a healthy level of sexual activity. If you notice any sort of decrease in your sexual activity, it may be a sign of low testosterone.

A lower libido typically means you are less interested in sexual activity or are less aroused by the usual triggers. Erectile dysfunction can also be a temporary symptom of a lower libido.

Hair Loss

Hair loss can be typical for some young men depending on genes and family history, but for most people, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Lower testosterone can lead to rapid hair loss. This should be a sign you immediately act on.

Watch out for hair loss as you shower, shave, or brush your teeth. Loose hair in the sink or bath tub will be noticeable over time. This kind of hair loss will also be independent of any season changes.

Since this is a symptom of low T, treating your condition should eventually allow your body to regrow any hair lost.

Reduced Muscle Mass

Testosterone is important in the process of building and maintaining a normal, healthy level of muscle mass. If you regularly workout, you should be able to maintain your normal amount of muscle mass with the same amount of effort. If things change, it’s time to take note.

Lower testosterone in young men makes it more difficult to maintain the same level of muscle mass. You may either have to increase your workout routine or you will notice a natural decrease if your routine is unchanged.

Continuous Fatigue

Feeling tired or sleep deprivation can be normal depending on your job and lifestyle. However, chronic fatigue may be a sign that your body doesn’t have the appropriate amount of testosterone it needs to stay active. Low T will make it more difficult for your body to maintain its normal level of activity throughout the day.

Pay attention to how long and frequently you experience fatigue on a daily basis. If it lasts for several days to weeks, see a doctor to rule out low T as a cause.


Your general mood is affected by a number of internal and external factors ranging from your health to the stress in your daily life. Depression is a common emotional experience for most young men. Low T, however, can lead to more frequent or prolonged episodes. These can even cross the emotional border into chronic depression.

If you experience this, it’s important to treat the cause of the depression correctly. There are a number of drugs meant for psychological causes that may not work for you if low T is to blame.

Increased Body Fat

Similar to reduced muscle mass, low testosterone in young men can also make it more difficult for your body to process the normal amount of food you eat. This means you may notice more body fat over time despite your normal diet and exercise routine. If you change your diet or exercise routine without any noticeable effect, there is probably some underlying cause related to low T.

Sleep Disturbance

Daily fatigue may be an indirect sign of low testosterone in young men if your normal sleeping habits are being interrupted. The average adult needs anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Low T may interrupt this by waking you up in the middle of the night or preventing you from falling asleep at your normal time. Insomnia, or a persistent lack of sleep, should be addressed with a doctor.

Getting Better

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Testosterone is involved with a number of body functions, many of which will be harmed if low testosterone lingers.

A medical professional will be able to offer you the specifics of your condition and possible treatments. Treatment usually includes testosterone replacement shots. These shots are taken regularly for a certain period of time until the symptoms of low T begin to decrease.

To learn more about low T or to explore treatment options, feel free to contact us for personal assistance. We are happy to help.

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