Getting time to yourself as a parent is harder than most people think. Even if you have a well-behaved kid, there’s always something they want to tell you, show you, or have you play with them. And, while shared moments are the reasons many of us add these precious ones to our lives, it’s important that you take time for you – so you can be your best self for them.
Below are some quick tips to get back your “me time”. Not all of these strategies are going to work for every parent and every kid. We’re human, some techniques are going to be great for your kid and some just won’t work for you, or them, or will maybe only work some of the time. Give the ones you think may work a try and add the ones that stick to your toolbox so you can pull them out anytime you need a few minutes to recharge.
Tap Your Support Network
Whether it’s your partner, family, or friends, using the support network you’ve built for yourself is key to getting alone time to focus on your needs. Don’t feel guilty, recharging is something you deserve and something that will make you a better parent.
Reclaim Your Mornings and Nights
Depending on when your kid wakes up (and how much of a morning person you are), getting up even 20 minutes before everyone else gives you time to set the tone for the rest of the day. Having a functional morning routine for your kids (and yourself!) is also a huge help in making mornings less stressful, and maybe even carving out more quiet time.
Similarly, utilize your evenings and nights after your kids go to bed. Catch up with your partner, call up a friend to catch up, or just revel in doing nothing for a little bit. Realistically, you probably use your evenings to do chores, prep for the next day, or catch up on work, but setting aside even half an hour can make a big difference.
Have Strategies for Short Breaks
Sometimes you need a few minutes to yourself, and you can’t always plan when that will be. Having a couple strategies you can go to can get you through a moment when you feel overwhelmed.
Explain to your kid that you need time alone and use language that doesn’t leave room for negotiation and follow it up with something you will do with your kid. For example, “I’m going to lay down for ten minutes and then we will read a book together.”
If you’re okay with your kid playing games or watching videos, use that to keep them occupied while you take a quick break. You can limit them to one round of the game or one video if you want to keep screen time short.
Teach your kids to be okay playing independently. As your kid learns to play on their own, they may do so without prompting. Use this to your advantage by taking some time for yourself and letting them know they can come find you if they need something.
Parents make a lot of sacrifices for their families, but you also need to take time for yourself in order to be at your best. Adding a few of these techniques to your routine helps get you there.
Explore Treatment for Low Testosterone
Sometimes a restful nap is not enough to recharge, so if you’re experiencing low energy, it’s important to first talk to your doctor. Low energy is a common sign of low testosterone and could also be reflective of other problems. To ensure that you’re getting the proper treatment and support, a medical diagnosis is needed. At Mantality Health, our doctors will facilitate a series of tests, review your individual health history and provide a medical diagnosis to confirm if you are suffering from low testosterone, only then we will we proceed with treatment.
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