How To Fight Fatigue And Boost Daily Energy

On: July 6, 2020
fatigue, low testosterone

Before we dig in, it’s important to understand the difference between tiredness and fatigue.
We all experience tiredness at times, which can be relieved by sleep and rest. Fatigue is when the tiredness is often overwhelming and isn’t relieved by sleep and rest.

One of the trademark symptoms of low testosterone in men is chronic fatigue — the type of tiredness that doesn’t improve after rest.

About 5 million men in the Unites States have low testosterone, and fatigue is one of the ailment’s most common and debilitating symptoms, along with loss of muscle strength, mood changes, and lack of interest in sex.

What Causes Fatigue in Men?

Testosterone plays an important role in energy production. During andropause (a condition that is associated with the decrease in the male hormone testosterone), diminished testosterone levels are a major cause behind insomnia or sleep apnea, both of which contribute to fatigue in men. In addition to diminished testosterone, interruption of sleep in men can be caused by symptoms such as night sweats, depression, irritability, weight gain and stress.

Night sweats in men with fatigue add to insomnia and fatigue because they make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. Having to get up in the middle of the night over a period of time can lead to sleep deprivation and ultimately more fatigue.

Irritability and depression—two very frequent symptoms of andropause—can be very draining emotionally, causing feelings of weariness and exhaustion.

Stress and high cortisol also induce feelings of frustration which affects energy levels. Eating the wrong foods can also leave little energy for the body, in addition, weight gain and loss of muscle mass can leave men feeling sluggish and tired.

Explore Treatment for Low Testosterone

If you’re experiencing low energy, it’s important to first talk to your doctor. Fatigue is a common sign of low testosterone and could also be reflective of other problems. To ensure that you’re getting the proper treatment and support, a medical diagnosis is needed. At Mantality Health, our doctors will facilitate a series of tests, review your individual health history and provide a medical diagnosis to confirm if you are suffering from low testosterone, only then we will we proceed with treatment.

Start Healthy Daily Habits

Get plenty of sleep. During sleep is when men produce most of their daily testosterone. Less sleep means less testosterone. If having too much caffeine is disrupting your sleep, try consuming less and at earlier times during the day. And if sleep apnea is a problem, treat it.

Eat a healthy diet. A balanced diet that’s low in saturated fat with a rich mix of fruit, vegetables, and a moderate amount of animal fat, can help diminish feelings of fatigue. Part of a healthy diet also means drinking alcohol only in moderation.

Break a sweat. Do what you enjoy, whether it’s walking, playing sports, riding a bike, or lifting weights. Regular exercise can help you feel more energized, control your weight, and improve your overall health.

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