Does Testosterone Make You Lose Hair? Correlation Is Not Causation

On: February 24, 2020
Alopecia, High Testosterone, hormones

Fact: when it comes to male pattern baldness, a whopping 50 million American men have been affected by hormone imbalance hair loss. On top of that, 30 million American women have been negatively impacted by estrogen and hairloss too.

Don’t want to become another statistic? Desperate to stop asking yourself, “does testosterone make you lose hair?”

We’ve got you covered. If you’ve Googled “testosterone injections hair loss” recently, read on to find out everything you should know!

Alopecia and High Testosterone

For those of you who are worried about the correlation between testosterone and balding, you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve ever struggled with premature balding, then chances are that you’ve done your research to find answers to slow or stop the process.

At this point, most people make the mistake of thinking that there is a link between high levels of dihydrotestosterone and thinning hair. To be quite honest with you, dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a product of testosterone.

However, you’d be dead wrong to think that too much DHT equals too little hair on your head. Surprisingly enough, aging, older men had been proven to have low testosterone levels but high levels of hair loss. In addition to this, both non-balding men and balding men can have similar testosterone levels as well.

To make things even more complicated, alopecia has been found in men with low levels of testosterone and high levels of testosterone. In a nutshell, this means that the possibility of hair loss is much larger than the amount of testosterone that you have in your body.

Okay, so we’ve found that there is a link between DHT and thinning hairlines. How can you possibly prevent this?

Confusingly enough, DHT has also been found to support hair growth. Many people with full heads of hair and DHT don’t experience any hair loss issues at all. On the other hand, those who are experiencing hair loss issues may have more genetic sensitivity to the sex steroid DHT.

Despite recent studies, there’s been no conclusive evidence to solve the balding problem. But have no fear – there is still a ton of research to be conducted to connect which genes interact with DHT and how!

 All About DHT

Here’s the thing. You might be shocked to find out that there are two separate categories of DHT to deal with. For starters, the first form of the DHT is a serum that naturally circulates inside of your bloodstream.

However, the second form of DHT is a tissue that connects to your skin, scalp, and other spots on or in your body. In case you didn’t know, these are places that attract the hormone DHT. But here’s the kicker.

When you compare both forms of the DHT side by side, only the one that is found on your scalp is connected to male pattern hair loss. Yes, you read that right. This explains the link between DHT and hair loss, since tissue receptors like your scalp and your skin that attract higher levels of DHT.

Over time, this can result in an enormous amount of DHT hormones, which can destroy your hair follicles in the future.

Here is the craziest part: it’s not uncommon for young men with no signs of hair loss to have higher levels of serum DHT in their blood. Of course, you probably won’t be surprised that they have higher testosterone levels as well.

To put it simply, testosterone can transform into several other things inside of your body, including estrogen and DHT. As men age, their natural testosterone levels drop, converting into higher levels of DHT.

If you’re feeling confused, all that you need to know is that DHT levels can stay the same while testosterone levels can drop significantly lower. So, if you’re suffering from the many symptoms of low levels of estrogen or testosterone, you might want to seek treatment right away.

Otherwise, your entire quality of life may be at risk!

What Makes Men Lose Hair?

Is too much estrogen hair loss starting to stress you out?

Before you start eating estrogen blocking foods, allow us to enlighten you. Although there are tons of reasons to explain why men lose their hair, the most popular reason is connected to family genetics.

But wait- there’s more. If you have a long familial history of male pattern baldness, then prepare to experience premature hair loss as time goes on too. Even know this is unfair, it mostly has to do with a flaw in your genetics that messes up how the hormone DHT works inside of your body.

That’s not all. For those of you are feeling confused, this genetic flaw ruins DHT’s capability to “do good” and makes it ruin your poor hair follicles instead. On the bright side, the one component that is not making your hair fall out faster is having an optimized and healthy endocrine system.

Why is this so important?

The answer is simple – because optimizing your levels of testosterone will make everything inside of your body run much more smoothly. As we discussed above, there are several other explanations about why you’re losing your hair, which include:

  • Other hormone imbalances
  • Too little thyroid gland production
  • An imbalanced estrogen ratio

As if that’s not enough, you could potentially have an improper dietary intake as well. For example, you could have too much vitamin A or too little iron in your bloodstream.

The culprit of your male pattern baldness could also be related to your anxiety and stress levels. Besides this, the way that you wear your hair could impact your premature hair loss. If you find yourself wearing your hair in tight ponytails, cornrows, or braids, be sure to switch up your hairstyle now and then.

We promise that you’ll thank us later!

Why You Should Optimize Hormones

In case you’re unsure why you should optimize hormones, we’ve done all the hard work for you. Although many believe that hormone optimization is for women with menopause, it is also a great solution for men with andropause.

Having balanced hormones is essential to your overall health, particularly due to:

  • The massive impact of environmental hormonal disrupting chemicals
  • The loss of nutrients in our food and soil
  • The negative impact of anxiety and stress

Although it can be difficult to avoid stress and environmental chemicals, it is still a smart idea to take care of hormonal issues ASAP. That way, you will be able to avoid hormonal consequences, prevent diseases, and improve symptoms right away.

Instead of taking medications with side effects, restart your engines with hormone optimization. Don’t worry – practically anyone could qualify for hormone optimization therapy too.

As you already know, you are the most energetic and vibrant version of yourself when your endocrine system is functioning well. Now that we’ve got that covered, it’s time to talk about the symptoms of a malfunctioning endocrine system, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Tension
  • Irritability

But here’s the catch – decreased interest in intimacy and erectile dysfunction are common symptoms as well. Throw bladder problems into the mix and you have got a full-blown hormone imbalance.

With so many downsides to hormone imbalances, it is no wonder why balding men are seeking hormone replacement therapy as a permanent fix!

Which Hormones Are the Most Important?

Let’s dive into which hormones are most essential to your hair growth (or lack thereof). Clearly, testosterone is the first hormone to address on the list. Between the ages of 20 years old and 40 years old, both women and men are more than likely to lose half of their testosterone production levels.

This often happens early, especially if you suffer from poor lifestyle habits and excessive stress levels. Also, lower levels of testosterone in men and women can lead to higher chances of developing diabetes and dementia.

For those of you who are feeling curious, this is the result of a loss of muscle due to a lack of testosterone production to support it. But when you undergo testosterone optimization therapy, your brain, bones, and heart will be protected.

With hormone optimization, your sleep, energy levels, and cholesterol can be improved too. Prepare to experience a healthier body fat to muscle ratio, sturdier bones, and less brain fog as well. Plus, expect to have an overall enhanced feeling of well-being and reduced symptoms of depression.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Don’t think that we forgot to talk about estrogen. Known to drop during menopause, estrogen has more than 400 functions, such as maintaining hot flashes and collagen levels. Nevertheless, in certain women, there can be a big problem when there is too much estrogen in their bodies.

In men, high levels of testosterone have almost become an epidemic. As a matter of fact, female characteristics in males have already been connected to higher levels of body fat on their frames. Of course, excessive levels of estrogen in males is often seen as a contributor to lower levels of testosterone and high levels of obesity.

Nobody wants that, right?

More Essential Hormones to Know

Whether it is staying consistent or increasing, it is vital to have your testosterone estrogen levels in an optimal zone.

But what’s the real deal about the growth hormone?

Fair question. Healthy levels of growth hormone can improve sleep, increase muscle growth, and create younger skin. The benefits of having optimized growth hormone levels include cell survival and proliferation.

While we are still on the subject, glucose metabolism, immune functioning, and fat loss can be enhanced by ideal growth hormones levels. Nonetheless, it is the thyroid hormone that is most impacted by internal stressors and chemicals in the environment.

Unfortunately, this explains why almost half of Americans have low thyroid production issues.

Therefore, having a low thyroid can result in extreme feelings of weakness and exhaustion. To make matters worse, those with low thyroids often have cold feet and hands too. Plus, having weak or thin hair, skin, nails is almost a guarantee as well.

If you are suffering from unwanted body fat or weight loss, a lack of motivation is also a common symptom of low thyroid production. When your thyroid is optimized, you’ll experience stronger hair and cognitive functioning instead.

Last but not least, there is progesterone. For certain women, progesterone can decrease PMS symptoms, balance testosterone, and reduce depression. Also, healthy levels of progesterone can banish insomnia and relieve anxiety.

Question: does hair grow back after stopping testosterone?

We can’t emphasize this enough. If you are stuck on this question, then contact our experts for more information about hormone replacement therapy now!

Does Testosterone Make You Lose Hair?

Are you still wondering, “does testosterone make you lose hair?”

If yes, then we’re here to help. From analyzing alopecia to describing DHT, we have everything that you need to learn about why you are losing your hair and how to grow it back.

No matter if your hair loss is connected to thyroid glands or estrogen, our professionals can reverse hormonal imbalances.

Sick and tired of experiencing fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, and more?

Perhaps taking a closer look at other hormones like estrogen or progesterone can help. Once your hormone levels are balanced, improved energy, sleep, and mood are just around the corner.

So, what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and let us stop your hair from falling out right now. You won’t regret it!

Interested in hormone replacement therapy?

Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today!

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