Does Low Testosterone Make You Tired? | Mantality Health

On: June 21, 2020
energy levels, low testosterone

Another day has gone by where you are feeling drained.

You blame it on work and those long grueling hours, and labor-intensive periods. After you get a proper meal and rest, you still feel tired. It’s not your workday, it’s your testosterone.

Does low testosterone make you feel tired? Actually, yes. It can be one of the main reasons as to why you are feeling tired.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a sex hormone available in both men and woman but men have higher levels. Testosterone assists in maintaining functions of the body such as,

  • fat distribution
  • muscle mass
  • strength
  • sex drive
  • sperm production

Testosterone decreases especially as the person ages which is where the feeling of tired becomes an everyday thing if not monitored. At the age of puberty is where testosterone peaks around 18 or 19, and the early 30s is when a decrease in testosterone can be observed.

Does Low Testosterone Make You Tired?

Many other factors that could be contributing to the feeling of tiredness, but as we dig deeper we must acknowledge that the hormonal imbalance may be the biggest factor.


Studies have shown that having sleep disruptions leads to a shortage of testosterone production. If you go to sleep, wake up in the middle of the night, and then try or fail to go back to sleep, the body will produce less testosterone throughout the day.

Those who have these sleep disruptions may also be dealing with a sleeping condition known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when a person sleeping, stops breathing temporarily in their sleep, and gasp for air.

They usually aren’t aware that they have this condition unless someone else who witnesses it points it out to them. The side effects of sleep apnea are feeling tired, loud snoring, and insomnia.

As mentioned before, testosterone assists in the bodily function of fat distribution. If an individual is overweight or obese, testosterone levels are lower in them which would make them more likely to feel tired and even have the condition of sleep apnea without knowing it.

Cortisol v. Tesosterone

Cortisol is a chemical that is commonly known as the anti-stress hormone. Your body produces more of it when you do not have consistent sleep. High levels of cortisol affect the amount of testosterone produced in your body which is why you would feel so tired throughout the day.

Cortisol is what is responsible for the adrenaline running through your body so instead of trying to produce testosterone, your body is using the excess cortisol hormone, trying to keep you going throughout the day.

The important part about sleeping is to fall asleep and stay asleep. It’s better to get 6 hours of good sleep with no disruptions, than getting 9 hours of sleeping where you woke up 4 times in between.

Sleeping Supplements

Sleeping supplements such as Melatonin which is used as a natural sleeping aid and can be found over the counter is commonly used to help people avoid sleep disturbances in the first place.

It can be taken in forms of a gummy, pill, or liquid. If taking this supplement is not an option, aromatherapy with specific, soothing scents such as lavender can calm the body and allow the body to fall asleep.

Testosterone and Physical Body Changes

Along with the feeling of tiredness, an individual with lower testosterone may start to notice some physical changes to the body. As mentioned before, testosterone helps in distributing fat, muscle mass, and strength. You may start to notice that there has been an increase in fat on the body, and you feel weaker.

Weight gain is common for those with low testosterone levels. They may even notice enlarged breast tissue which happens because there are high levels of estrogen, which is the sex hormone higher in women, as opposed to testosterone.

The feeling of tiredness makes it hard to want to be active which is why it is common to see deterioration in physical health.

Testosterone and Emotional Health

Being tired all the time can affect a person’s well being. A lot of times, the individual will blame themselves without realizing that it is the hormonal imbalance that is causing them to feel this way. Individuals with low testosterone will also see a lack of motivation.

When a person is tired, their overall spirit is down, making it hard for them to complete any task or even think about what they must do next. There is evidence that suggests that low testosterone can be linked to depression and anxiety. Low testosterone can affect mood and cause instability.

These instabilities can affect an individual’s mental health causing them to lose focus, become anxious because they feel have no control, and of course decrease energy levels. Talking to a doctor would be a start in moving in the right direction to alleviate those negative emotions that come with low testosterone.

Depression and low testosterone have similar symptoms however the physical side effects are different. Fat distribution and muscle mass isn’t the major symptom of depression as it is for low testosterone such as enlarged breast tissue.

However, the mental side effects are similar if not the same such as anxiety, fatigue, decrease in libido, and difficulty falling asleep.

Testosterone and Sex Drive

When one feels tired, physical movement, especially sexual physical movement, is the last thing that is on their mind. Feeling tired lowers sexual desire or libido. Lowered sex drive is also due to less testosterone being produced in older adults.

It is an ongoing cycle as testosterone decreases as the individual ages which lower their sex drive and cause them to be tired which also affects sex drive.

Boosting Testosterone

All hope is not lost. You can take part in these behaviors and actions to boost your testosterone right from your own home!

Get Ahead

Scientists have found that low testosterone can be hereditary. Open up a dialogue with the older males of your family and see if they have ever struggled with low testosterone.

Find out details like this, can help to be proactive and adopt healthy lifestyle changes to avoid low testosterone levels and tiredness.


To fight off tiredness, sleep is a great place to start. Establish a bedtime routine by going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time.

Eliminate any distractions before you go to bed by putting your phone on silent, making sure the curtains are drawn if light bothers you, and by turning off all other light and sound sources such as the TV.

The goal is to make sure your body reaches REM sleep which is when the body has a higher potential of producing larger amounts of testosterone. If you feel that you suffer from sleep apnea, talk to your doctor about potential ways to deal with sleep disruption.

Get Active

Hit the gym! Lifting weights in different ways is a great way to boost your testosterone levels. Testosterone affects fat distribution, muscle mass, and strength. Resistance training such as lifting weights helps target all three of these areas which will help produce more testosterone in the body.

Exercise in general is a great way to combat low testosterone levels and even Type 2 Diabetes which is closely linked to low testosterone levels.

Losing weight should be a goal especially when dealing with tiredness from low testosterone levels. Increases in body fat are a side effect of low testosterone so monitoring your weight and taking the extra step to be active will make a difference.

De-Stress and De-Compress

Identity key stressors in your life. The impact of stress can be large on testosterone production. Whether it be mental stressors or physical stressors, tackle it head-on. Eliminating stress will contribute to higher levels of testosterone production which will allow you to feel less tired and get better sleep.

It’s best to get organized and slowly work towards a stable routine in your life. Doing simple things such as deep breathing exercises or even yoga can also be small changes to your lifestyle which will help create a better focus overall.

Balanced Diet

After long days at work, it’s easy to want to pick up the quickest meal which is usually fast food, and sugary substances. To increase testosterone and fight off that lingering tired feeling, a healthy balanced diet is a way to go.

Focus on carbs, natural fats, proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Some known testosterone building foods are egg yolks, oysters, tuna, garlic, and spinach.

Picking natural foods with no preservatives, chemicals, or added sugars is the best way to lead a healthy lifestyle where your testosterone levels are boosted and you have more energy to do the things you want to do.

It’s easy to want to crack open a cold one after a long day, but alcohol consumption should be limited. Excessive alcohol consumption affects fertility and it lowers your testosterone levels.


All of the necessary vitamins and supplements cannot be gained through the everyday foods we eat, especially for those who are constantly on the run handling the obstacles life throws. Taking supplements and minerals can help supply your body with what it is missing.

Vitamin-D has been linked to boosting testosterone as have the herb-based treatment known as, Fenugreek. Zinc supplements can also boost levels of testosterone.

Ginger is another supplement that has been associated with higher testosterone levels. Consuming important vitamins and supplements can lead to the vibrant energy you’ve wanted, which will help fight off the tiredness from low testosterone.

Testosterone Treatment Options

If there is no change detected in your tiredness or your overall health, testosterone replacement therapy should be considered. It can be distributed through non-invasive methods such as gels and patches.

The skin patches are worn once a day and are usually worn on the upper body or arm. The gel is usually also applied once a day and the skin absorbs it. There is a gel form where you can apply it inside your nose.

There is also a mouth patch which is taken twice a day and absorbed into the blood through the tissues in your mouth.

Finally, there are injections and implants available into the muscles or the implants into the soft tissue of the body where the body can absorb it.

It’s important to look into your options so that you are well informed before making a decision. It even helps to bust myths and learn facts about testosterone replacement therapy.


Being tired is not an option especially for those whose lifestyle and careers are so demanding, being tired is not an option. It can get in the way of tasks, and reduce the reaction time necessary especially for those who work in a career field where time is limited such as first responders.

Having low testosterone brings on an array of symptoms and side effects and being tired is one of the signs someone should pay attention to. Following these tips and making lifestyle changes is a great way to start on eliminating the tired feeling from low testosterone.

Does low testosterone make you tired? Yes. However, having low testosterone shouldn’t stop individuals from accomplishing their goals or trying to get their life back on track with tons of energy.

Get in Touch

Feeling tired and low testosterone levels should not be a reason to miss out on the day. After reading this article, it’s important to remember that hormonal imbalance is something that happens and with the right efforts, can be alleviated. With a few changes in lifestyle, testosterone levels should be at a higher production rate than ever before.

We are here to guide you in the right direction and answer all your questions. Get in touch with us through our contact page as we are available for telemedicine!

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