9 Myths and Facts About Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

On: April 21, 2020
low t, trt

Have you ever considered testosterone replacement therapy dosage? If you are experiencing a low libido you want to do something about it.

But you are also concerned about testosterone replacement therapy. After all, it must have side effects, right? Am I taking a huge risk, you may be wondering.

This article will detail facts and myths about testosterone replacement therapy dosage so you can make a better decision.

Facts and Myths About Testosterone Replacement Therapy Dosage

Let’s face it: having a low libido is a horrible feeling. As men, we want to feel confident and strong. A low testosterone count is counter to us feeling confident among other things.

So how do we boost our testosterone? Is testosterone replacement therapy the best option? Here are the facts and myths you need to know before making your decision:

1. Erections

This is the main concern: will testosterone replacement help me get erections again? Will my erections last longer?

The myth that needs to be busted is that increased testosterone will not help a man get longer erections. It is by no means a cure or treatment for erectile dysfunction. All testosterone replacement can do is increase a man’s libido.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Dosage is not the same as taking an erectile dysfunction pill. If erectile dysfunction is an issue that you face, you must look into the root causes of this condition.

Often, concerns about low testosterone levels start with the fear of erectile dysfunction. However, this should not be your main concern. Continue reading to learn more about what low testosterone levels can lead to.

2. Blood Test

Before being prescribed a therapy dosage, you will need to take a blood test. Within two hours of waking up, you will have to partake in a hormone panel. Within the next two to six weeks you will have to then do a follow-up hormone panel. You cannot begin testosterone replacement therapy before taking these tests.

Furthermore, the doctor needs to test for total and free testosterone, estrogen levels, complete blood count, among other tests. This is to ensure that your testosterone level is low.

If your testosterone level is lower than 300 nanograms per deciliter then it is considered to be a low level of testosterone. This, however, does not guarantee that your doctor will prescribe or recommend testosterone replacement therapy. If they do not, it is best to discuss with them why and seek their advice.

3. Why You Have Low Testosterone

We alluded to this in the first point. It is important to understand why your testosterone level is low. This can greatly help you decide whether or not you need testosterone replacement therapy.

Some of the most common causes of low testosterone are poor diet, increased stress, lack of exercise, and bad sleep habits. Do any of these apply to you? If so, you should look into improving these habits.

For example, if you have low testosterone levels you may wish to consider trying the keto diet. While there is currently no known link between the keto diet and increased testosterone levels, this diet is a great method for improving health. And as we have established, poor health does lead to decreased testosterone levels.

Another thing to consider is depression. Low testosterone can lead to depression. And continued depression certainly will not help in increasing testosterone! So what if you do suffer from depression and have low testosterone levels? We do believe that men suffering heavily from depression will benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.

And finally, how are you sleeping these days? Poor sleeping can lead to lower testosterone levels. This is especially evident if you are suffering from a form of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can cause a disturbance in REM sleep which in turn, leads to lower testosterone levels. This can inevitably lead to additional problems such as erectile dysfunction. If this applies to you, make sure you consult your doctor on how to improve your sleep habits.

4. Side Effects

This is something we are sure you are concerned about. What are the possible side effects of testosterone replacement therapy?

It is possible to rapidly gain weight. There is also the possibility of your hemoglobin count to sharply grow – which can lead to very serious issues such as blood clots. Increased blood clots can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Testosterone can also be converted into estrogen. Increased testosterone can lead to increased estrogen and on rare occasions can cause a man to develop breasts. And this, of course, lowers the effectiveness of testosterone. There is a way to curb this issue by using an aromatase inhibitor, but if this is done it may cause fatigue without being monitored properly.

There is also the possibility of developing infertility. The therapy can cause your testicles to atrophy (waste away) and make them unable to produce more testosterone and sperm.

You must make sure that you speak to your doctor about these possible side effects and how to reduce them before agreeing to begin testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Improved Health

And now for some good news! With the previous section, you may think that testosterone replacement therapy is overall a harmful procedure. But this is a myth! It is a fact that it can lead to improved health.

It can improve your cognitive functions. It can decrease or eliminate the production of amyloid precursor protein – which is what can cause Alzheimer’s Disease.

It has also been shown that testosterone replacement therapy has led to weight loss, increased muscle mass, and a feeling of happiness.

A testosterone level in the mid-400s has also been shown as being a good protector against cardiovascular disease.

Ask your doctor on what other health improvements and benefits may arise if you do opt for testosterone replacement therapy. But you must also be aware of the possible harms and discuss with your doctor what they advise.

You also want to make sure that the health improvements are something that you may not be able to do by yourself. You do not want testosterone replacement therapy to be the ‘easy way out.’

6. Different Methods

A common myth with testosterone replacement therapy is that it only works as an injectable. While this is certainly a method for the therapy, it is not the only option.

Other methods for the therapy are applying a cream, a gel, or a patch. You can also consume a tablet. Overall, testosterone is the most effective as a gel and as a cream. It has also been shown that taking the therapy through oral means (such as a tablet) can be harmful to the liver.

Regardless, you should consult your doctor as to what method they think is best for your needs. Remember that while a cream may work for one person, a gel may work for another, and a tablet may be better for someone even with the liver risk. Always consult with the expert and do not make a rash decision on your own!

7. Safety

One of the biggest concerns (and one of the biggest myths) surrounding the testosterone replacement therapy dosage is that it is not safe. Luckily, this could not be further from the truth.

Like most of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, this form of therapy is regulated. This means that the medical experts who advise you know what they are talking about and the therapy has undergone rigorous scientific study.

The therapy is also bio-identical – which means it is suited to a person’s unique biological structure. This makes it significantly safer than synthetic hormone treatments usually administered by the pharmaceutical industry.

If you have any concerns before beginning the therapy, speak to your doctor about it. They are sure to put you at ease and explain the methodology behind the treatment.

8. This Is for Women

This seems to be one of the most common and pervasive myths. Any sort of hormone replacement therapy is often targeted as being for women. However, this article has shown you how much men can benefit from testosterone replacement therapy.

Remember, many of the issues caused by a low testosterone level greatly affect men. As a result, replacing testosterone can greatly help with increasing sex drive, helping with weight loss, and fighting against fatigue.

9. Tailored to Your Needs

One great myth is that all testosterone replacement therapy dosage leads to the same result. Essentially it is believed that it is a ‘one size fits all’ therapy.

But the fact is otherwise.

The bio-identical technology that creates the therapy means that it is tailored to our specific needs. Discuss the problems that you with your doctor beforehand. Are you experiencing a low sex drive? Are you having difficulty with sleep? By informing your doctor beforehand, they can help you with deciding what therapy is best suited for your needs.

The Importance of Testosterone in Men

Now that you know the myths and facts surrounding testosterone replacement therapy dosage, you can better determine if it is for you or not.

But before you continue, we would like to briefly discuss the importance of testosterone in men.

Testosterone is the hormone that starts the development of male sexual characteristics. It is no surprise that testosterone is associated with manliness and often sexual prowess.

It is also no surprise that a lack of testosterone is seen as a stigma and something that a man would not want to experience. And as you have learned from this article, a lack of testosterone or a low testosterone level does cause issues in the wellbeing of man.

What Are The Facts?

For the most part, a man’s testosterone levels remain consistent from the time he reaches puberty to his forties. The good news is that a reduction in testosterone levels is rare. Even rarer is that symptoms, such as what we have discussed in this article, will usually not show.

Often there is a joke that there is “male menopause.” But with the low risk of testosterone dropping and low risk of men experiencing any serious issues from low testosterone levels, this is not a comparison to be taken seriously.

What is serious are the lifestyle choices that can lead to low testosterone levels and cause serious issues for men.

What to Do

We have briefly discussed the preventative measures for fighting against low testosterone before jumping into therapy. We wish to stress this once again.

Positive feedback is a great testosterone booster. A study by the Poland Institute of Sport found that rugby players who watched replays of their best feats had an increase in testosterone levels in comparison to players who watched a replay of their mistakes.

Strength training is also crucial to building testosterone levels. However, high testosterone levels alone are not solely responsible for your performance at the gym or in a sport.

Bad sleep as we have mentioned is a serious detriment to a man’s testosterone levels. Even one bad night of sleep can cause a lowering in levels. It is imperative to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. It is imperative if you do not sleep well, to understand what is lacking and what needs to be done to improve your sleeping methods.

Reducing stress is also crucial. You need to be aware of your stress levels and what is causing you to feel stressed in your life. You need to think about what you need to do to relieve your stress. If you are unable to reduce stress by your own means, then you should consult a professional for advice.

These are the four basic methods for looking after yourself. Always speak to your doctor to see what can be done to boost and maintain your testosterone.

Take Care of Yourself

Now that you know about the facts and myths surrounding the Testosterone Replacement Therapy dosage, you must speak to your doctor about the best decision to take.

Make sure you look after your health and take care of yourself

And we encourage you to read more about testosterone health and how to maintain your health and wellness as a man.

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