Men’s Fitness Trends

On: February 22, 2021
diet, Exercise, health, wellness

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New fitness trends appear and disappear in what seems like milliseconds. Some of them may actually be beneficial to add to a workout, while others are just fads that come from no research or background. As the years progress, it can make sense that fitness trends change and adapt to what men want and need in their routines. 

It is clear that the standards for both men and women change constantly depending on what is on social media and what is considered to be healthy. Sometimes a deciding factor to what changes the fitness routines of men around the country can be due to a person’s own tastes changing or their schedules change. 

The Addition of Technology

Technology has really changed how men are working out. This could mean getting more high-tech equipment that tracks their work out better or simply not going to physical gyms anymore. The creation of fitness watches has made it easier to keep track of heart rate, distance, and the type of activity you may be doing. 

Online workouts and online trainers have also taken the fitness world by storm. They have made it easier for people to work out in the comfort of their homes and to even watch their progress alongside the trainer they are listening to. 

Not to mention that virtual fitness has been growing in popularity. The making of VR sets has made it easier to feel more immersed in video games, and now more immersed in virtual workouts. 

Nutrition Trends

There has been a lot of come-and-go with eating trends and diets. There always seems to be a new iup-and-coming diet trend for men that is all over social media and magazines. Though some of the nutrition trends can help men understand what they are eating and how it affects their body, you need to remember to consult your doctor before making a huge lifestyle change. Additionally, it is important that if you are looking to change your diet in any way, you consider any allergies or necessary foods you need to eat to stay healthy. Make sure you do your research and find out what works for you and your body instead of jumping onboard to the latest nutritional trend.

High-Intensity Interval Training

This type of training may not be exclusively new to the eyes of fitness workers, but it has definitely made its way into the world. It has shown to be a great weight loss routine, as well as a strength-gaining opportunity. Workouts like these would include very quick sprints, or races on a bike, mixed in with your usual jogs. Springing for 90 seconds for a handful of times may be the difference between a normal jog, and a high-intensity interval training routine. 

In addition to being a great way to grow stronger, these HIIT routines have shown great promise in raising testosterone levels. In many studies, sprinting has been an amazing cause of higher T levels in men. Adding a HIIT routine to any workout may become beneficial in more ways than one. 

When it comes to all these new trends and fads in the workout community, it is important to step back and look at yourself. You should see what you as a male need and want in your life and workout.


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