New study proves TRT decreases heart risk

On: May 23, 2016
health, Testosterone Therapy, trt

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Decreases Heart Risk

TRT has more than its fair share of doubters, naysayers, and even outright opponents (read: Food and Drug Administration). A long-time claim often levied against TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) is that it can increase cardiovascular risk among aging men. Consider that FDA-originated lie thoroughly debunked.

An Ontario-based study from 2007-2012 used a population-based matched cohort study to prove the efficacy of TRT in actually decreasing cardiovascular risk. The study featured 10,311 male participants age 66 years or older who recently began TRT treatment. The long-anticipated study results were published in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology on May 7th in tandem with the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association.

According to study senior investigator Robert Nam, MD, of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Toronto, ON, CAN), the study conclusion serves as direct response to “answer the controversy” surrounding TRT as fabricated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. “We can conclude that long-term testosterone is safe,” Dr. Nam shared, “We need to do further study, but with our large sample size and long follow-up, these data provide some powerful findings… Physicians still need to individualize their recommendations to patients, but it certainly helps to address some of the controversy around testosterone.”

Recent FDA rulings required testosterone product to carry warning labels stating their cause of increased cardiovascular risk. This legislation was wrongly based on studies featuring short treatment durations, limited follow-up, and failure to analyze dose-response reactions. Dr. Nam and his team thoroughly addressed all elements over the breadth of their five-year study. The median follow-up for the Ontario-based study measured at five years with a documented decrease in overall mortality for patients who underwent testosterone therapy in comparison to control subjects.

We firmly believe in the potential of testosterone replacement therapy and only use safe and proven treatment solutions for all our patients at Mantality. We created a FREE eBook available here for immediate download to help you learn more about testosterone replacement therapy. Download your FREE eBook right now and schedule your next appointment today.

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