4 Great Date Ideas

On: April 5, 2021
family, health, wellness

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Dating can be a very tricky and difficult task to take on. Nevermind finding someone to go out with, but then planning that first date, even the 100th date with a partner, it can be a handful. When this becomes too overwhelming, it is important to sit back and really think about yourself and what you want out of the night. 

No matter if you live in a small town with only one restaurant, or if you live in a big bustling city with a bar on every corner, thinking up unique and interactive activities for you and your date can be hard. This can be even harder if both of you have wildly different tastes or moods when it comes to specific things. This can be a great reason to keep the date open. 

1. Antiquing or a Flea Market

Going antiquing or visiting a flea market is amazing for the quieter people, outspoken people, or indifferent people. There is so much that can be found at antique stores or flea markets. Both places have the opportunity to be filled with old goodies, nostalgic items, or quirky clothes. All of this stuff can be great conversation starters or ways to talk about favorite toys or games when you were a kid. These knick knacks might be old and dusty, but they will be helping you two make memories that neither of you will forget. And maybe one of you will find something too!

2. Show Off Your Personality

There can be many ways to show your personality and your you-ness through a date. And bringing your date to a pop-up bar you’ve been wanting to go to, or an improv show you enjoy could help show who you are to your date and help make you feel comfortable too. If this is the first date and you really want to make a good impression, bring them somewhere you are comfortable with or something you have been wanting to do for a while. This will also help show your date what you are into and open the floor to a lot of fun stories or connections you two can make. 

3. Cook Together

Sometimes the best dates are inside. You don’t need to order food or cook for hours beforehand. Bringing your date with you to cook the meal you are about to eat could make the meal and the time more meaningful later on. 

Of course, this could lead to fun food fights and an absolute mess in the kitchen, but when you two have that finished meal on a plate, there will be a great sense of pride and fulfillment in both of your chests.

4. Going To An Arcade

No matter the age, an arcade can be a whole lot of fun. It can bring out the kid in all of us and get our sides hurting from laughing so much. An arcade is a great way to see their competitive side or to see how well you two work together in a shoot ‘em up game. No matter what you are playing at an arcade, it can be a great way to truly see the person you are on a date with. 

There can be so many ways to show your date and yourself a good time while on a date. Dates don’t have to be wallet-emptying or fancy, they can be easy-going and laid back. Sometimes the best way to really enjoy another person is to go through the simplistic things in life. 


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